person wearing orange and gray Nike shoes walking on gray concrete stairs

Welcome to Boujie Bungee Fitness. The bungee workout taking Covington by storm. 

This gravity defying exercise is taking our area and the world by storm.

This class offers amazing resistance training and a full body cardio workout. It works and tones almost every muscle in your body, focusing on your core strength. The bungee cord is attached to the back of the hip harness, allowing you to move freely and access athletic and otherwise physically unattainable moves. The powerful bungee cord is also a potent resistance training tool, used to enhance overall muscle toning and fitness performance. It provides safe, secure, yet challenging resistance for strengthening and sculpting muscles at the same time. The aerial component gives a total body cardio workout that leverages gravity and body weight.

And did we mention . . . you get to fly!

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